Scholarly Publishing, Open Access and Your Career

Written by Andrew Rens on October 7th, 2015

Just last week my friends and colleagues at the University of Cape Town; Adam Haupt, Caroline Ncube, Eve Grey and Tobias Schonwetter talked about access to scholarship in the context of transformation of educational institutions in South Africa. Because they practise what they preach the podcast of the discussion is available here.


A new book on the new censorship

Written by Andrew Rens on October 1st, 2015

‘Global Censorship: Shifting Modes, Persisting Paradigms’ deals with the new ways in which censorship has been privatized, through ISP liability, blocking and filtering. It has just been published by the Access to Knowledge Global Academy as part of its Access to Knowledge Research Series and is available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 licence here.

It includes a chapter by yours truly on the failure of due process in ISP liability and takedown procedures.