Lies, Damn Lies and the BSA

Written by Andrew Rens on July 9th, 2010

I was interviewed by Paul Furber for an article in Brainstorm Magazine on the claims made by the Business Software Alliance on alleged software infringement in South Africa; entitled “Lies, Damn Lies and the BSA”.The article reveals that this years claims on the alleged level of infringement weren’t based on an any actual research in South Africa.


what does digital tech mean for copyright?

Written by Andrew Rens on June 10th, 2010

Kerryn McKay and I wrote an article for The Times, now up on Times LIVE explaining what digital tech means for copyright. We called it ‘Don’t stop the future’ because we are aware of a concerted effort to do exactly that, to use the language of “keeping up with technology” and “updating legislation” to do precisely the opposite; use the law to try to prop up pre-digital business models by introducing anti-circumvention provisions.

We set ourselves the task of explaining in a single short article, to an audience not familiar with either copyright norĀ  the detail of digital technology what has changed, how and what that means for the future of creativity. We’d appreciate your comments on this blog on how well we succeeded.